
Hadoop Development for Big Data Solutions
Learning Tree International

Hands-on Java Programming
Learning Tree International

Pro Apache Hadoop
September 10, 2014, published by Apress

XML and Web Services Unleashed
February 25, 2002, published by Sams

Java API for Dummies Quick Reference
April 18, 1997, published by IDG Books

Java How-To
September 1, 1996, published by MacMillan
Conference Presentations
- EclipseCon 2006 March 20-23, 2006 Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA
- IT Infrastructure and Management April 15-16, 2003 Boston Park Plaza, Boston, MA
- Security Considerations When Outsourcing Infrastructure and Operations
- Nextware 2002 May 20-23, 2002 Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
- XML to Object Binding using SAX and JAXB
- XML Devcon Europe February 22-23, 2001 Novotel-West, London, England
- Introduction to ebXML
- Evolve 2001 May 6-9 2001 Four Points Hotel-Sheraton, Sydney, Australia
- Developing Applications for Java™ 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
- Wireless Devcon 2000 December 3-5, 2000 Double Tree San Jose, San Jose, CA
- Introduction to Wireless Communication Standards
- XML Devcon 2000 November 12-15, 2000 Doubletree San Jose, San Jose, CA
- Automatically Creating Java Servlets from XML
- International Conference for Java Technology September 24-27, 2000 Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA
- Java in Embedded Systems
- Automatically Creating Java Servlets from XML
- SIGS Conference for Java Development Mar 13-15, 2000 London, England
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design with Java
- Exploiting the Power of Java Smartcards
- Embedded Java
- Numerical Computing with Java
- Evolve 2000 February 27-March 1, 2000 Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia
- Dynamic Bytecode Generation in Java
- Application Development '99 July 5-9, 1999 Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Westminster, London, England
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design with Java
- Java in Embedded Systems
- Dynamic Bytecode Generation in Java
- Object Expo March 28-April 1, 1999 New York Marriott World Trade Center, New York, NY
- Developing Javabeans for Various Integrated Development Environments
- Rapid Application Development Strategies
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design with Java
- Java in Embedded Systems
- Component Development 98 December 13-15, 1998 Hilton Walt Disney Resort, Orlando, FL
- Developing Javabeans for Various Integrated Development Environments
- Rapid Application Development Strategies
- Learning Technology Conference & Expo, October 4-7, 1998 Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
- Java Technology Overview and Training