Science Questions
Madsci Network is a portal for students, educators, or anyone who has a science or technology related question. Questions are submitted and routed to scientists who have knowledge or expertise in a particular field. Since 1998, Madhu has authored more than 50 articles answering question on physics, electrical engineering, and computers.
The following is a sample of some questions and answers, the full list is also available.
- Name vapor cloud ballooning over low flying aircraft
- Radio reception bends around tunnels
- What is dangerous to a person, amps or volts?
- Why cann't the airlines control cabin pressure better so no ear pain?
- How many hours will an average TV work?
- What is the purpose of pouring coke on corroded battery terminals?
- Why does my walkman reception change on the bus?
- Why does a digital mobile phone signal affect digital hearing-aid users?
- Can we destroy an electron? If yes, What is the output of the destruction?
- How is an operating system built?
- Why do airplanes fly so high?
- What does it mean when an electrical appliance is marked '12 Volts,240 Watt
- Is it possible to use Flat spiral Bifilar coils in RF Antenna Circuits ?